In this section you can download some documents free of charge. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them personally.
Steeger Imagefolder
Steeger Imagefolder
General terms and conditions
General terms and conditions
Steeger Order form
Steeger Order form
Would you like to talk to our experts in person?
Our experts are always delighted to meet with existing and prospective customers. Thanks to their technical expertise, they can advise and assist you all the way from your initial idea to the actual design and installation of your braiding machine.
Steeger braiding machines
Steeger produces innovative, custom-engineered braiding machines that meet the highest standards. We only have one objective: providing you with a tailor-made solution for maximum productivity.
Körting Nachfolger
Wilhelm Steeger GmbH & Co. KG
Wittensteinstrasse 208 – 212
42283 Wuppertal, Germany
T + 49 202 25555 – 0
F + 49 202 25555 – 33
©2020 Steeger braiding machines | All rights reserved